kylarossappreciation said:bribes you with a batch of cookies thor-has-a-bae said: *slips u a $2 bill* “all you gotta do is reblog everything I post and we’ll make this happen more often” *sly grin* wats-good-gabby said: i have $20 in monopoly money 👀 hmm all very enticing hahaha. what kind of cookies though?

sparklesandchalk: Grebs is done with the podium nonsense

sparklesandchalk: Silvia and Larisa comforting Stefania

working on my follow forever, and yes, I am taking bribes.

larrissamiller: How I feel today.. 😁 #BabyRiss #Naps #Sleepy #WakeUpRissy #WhyAreYouSleeping #CampFeels

Who is coming over for my white chicken chili?

papaliukin: papaliukin: Oooh, guess what, Nellie Kim was behind the proposal to have Kylie Dickson and Alaina Kwan to compete for Belarus. That sly dog.  Oops, forgot to post the article mentioning Nellie Kim’s involvement in this arrangement:

sparklesandchalk: cause we never go out of style 1/2/3/4/5/6

golden-china: The girls had another internal test today. What do we think of the new leo? Source: Baidu

ain’t no leo like an oklahoma leo

whygfcwhy: and so who exactly from the past are you thinking could have beat her? and if the answer is “well no one, actually” then that’s literally the definition of greatest ever so…