layoutpikesalto: This is dragged Tim. Reblog or you will be dragged too.

Do you know what exactly happened with Ukraine in MAG team finals?

This is from Oleg Verniaiev “Dear friends and fans of Rio Olympics 2016 I would like to personally apologize for the situation in today’s team final competition. There was unpredictable circumstances. We found out that we won’t be competing as a full team 15 minutes prior to start of the competition when one of our…

vintage-katie: when you spend a lot of time and put in a lot of hard work making gifs to promote your favorite olympic sports and athletes for free, so that anyone who isn’t familiar can get interested enough to enjoy them and increase popularity for the programming… …and then they all get deleted because the…

You know what really disappoints me though? Other than the negativity about her gymnastics, hair, supposed “unsportsmanlike, unpatriotic” behavior that everyone and NBC are trying to depict her as? Is that everyone seems to forget that gabby was freaking 2nd in the world. And NBC as soon as P&G’s started, they NEVER mentioned that fact. 4 year fans think she just came out of the blue, sucked in competition, and got the spot due to politics, and didn’t even have this glorious comeback. it’s sad.

So true. Her and Aly both deserve immense amounts of praise for their comebacks. They are both truly two of the best American gymnasts ever.

A photo posted by Yin Alvarez (@coachyinsanity) on Aug 13, 2016 at 8:59am PDT // Getting ready for event finals! Meanwhile Chris Brooks is off eating McDonald’s somewhere 😄 (Source:

You know what makes me mad? That someone with a freaking penis as their icon can not only follow you, but personally message you. For me it’s not a huge deal since I can block them and not really be affected by it, but there are so many underage people on this site that I…

layoutpikesalto: amustafina: layoutpikesalto: amustafina: uchi-mura: layoutpikesalto: paysonbelov: #TeamUSA. the real fierce five That one random girl who wasn’t in any episodes😒 Kelly Parker was robbed No Wendy was Kaylie was doping Tell Lilly King Where’s Gabby?